College Road Surgery: 01323 735044
Ian Gow Memorial Health Centre: 01323 766358
Lines open 8.00am to 6.00pm

providing nhs services


We provide a wide range of services and clinics for patients at our practice.

You can find out more by clicking on the links.


Urgent appointments To request an urgent appointment (Monday to Friday): phone us on 01323 735044 (College Road) or 01323 766358 (Ian Gow), Monday to Friday from 8am to 6pm – ... [continue] Appointments

Clinics and services

In addition to our core consultation, diagnostic and referral services, we also offer: Minor surgery/skin lesion removal Therapeutic steroid injections for musculoskeletal conditions Blood sampling for testing (phlebotomy) for adults ... [continue] Clinics and services

Ear syringing

We have had to make the hard decision to stop providing an ear syringing service at the practice. We are faced with a huge increase in the demand for clinical ... [continue] Ear syringing

Managing your health online

Using an online platform called Engage Consult There are many things you can do online at our surgery: request help about a non-emergency medical problem order repeat prescriptions request a ... [continue] Managing your health online

Private services

We offer a wide range of non-NHS services. Please note we DO NOT see patients privately for GP appointments. You can download our list of private services and fees below: ... [continue] Private services

Repeat prescriptions

Ordering repeat prescriptions The easiest ways to order repeat prescriptions are: using your NHS account (through the NHS website or in the NHS App) using the online system: Complete the online ... [continue] Repeat prescriptions

Sick (fit) notes

If you’ve been off sick for more than 7 days To request a sick note: use our engage consult system Complete the online form for the surgery phone us on 01323 ... [continue] Sick (fit) notes

Test results

Getting your test results If your test results show that you need more tests or treatment, we will contact you. Once a doctor has reviewed your test results, you can ... [continue] Test results

Date published: 28th August, 2014
Date last updated: 28th January, 2019